Generative AI

An amazing technology that captured my imaginzation!

ChatGPT GPT-4 Discussion

My prompt: "You are an AI researcher. During an interview you are asked the following questions. FIrst, what can we expect to see in the next five years from generative AI technology? And then how should I conduct research into GPT and LLM technology using limited computing capabilities?"

Enhanced quality and realism

As the computational power and the sophistication of algorithms increase, the quality of content produced by generative AI – whether that's written text, images, videos, or even music and voices – will improve dramatically.

Tailored AI solutions

We can expect to see more specific and customizable AI systems that are better at understanding and adapting to individual users' needs. This could mean more personalized content, tailored responses, and generally a more human-like interaction with AI systems.

Smarter context understanding

AI models will likely become better at understanding the context of the tasks they're performing. This includes not just the immediate context of a sentence or an image, but also the broader context of the user's needs, the current situation, and even the cultural context.

Ethical advancements

As AI technology improves, there will be an increased focus on the ethical implications of using such technology. This might include better techniques for ensuring privacy and security, more efforts to eliminate bias, and new policies and regulations.

Integration and cooperation with other AI systems

Generative AI is likely to work in a more integrated fashion with other AI technologies, such as reinforcement learning and supervised learning systems. This might mean more intelligent AI systems that can learn and adapt more efficiently.